This website, has been created to provide instant and ongoing access to information you might want to know about the proposed teacher evaluation components of our Race to the Top initiative. Further revisions and clarifications will be made here as this process evolves and the website will be updated with the most current information.
It includes current timelines, rubrics and the most recent PowerPoint presentations highlighting the three systems we will be working with this year. They are defined as:
- Professional Status Teachers who have been assigned to the new system
- Non-Professional Status Teachers who are using the new system
- Professional Status Teachers who are working in a goal system
As with any new endeavor there will be challenges and opportunities to improve things. This system will allow teachers, principals and school administrators to engage in a process focused on improving teacher practice so as to increase student success. As a start, the administration recognizes the sacrifice that Natick teachers have made in the past for our students and the excellent results that our district has enjoyed as a result. We look forward to this new opportunity to build on that strong foundation and ask for your suggestions and comments as this program evolves.
Our Race to the Top program is designed to spur systemic reform and to embrace innovative approaches to teaching and learning. This system should not to be viewed as a fault-finding mission. Evaluations of any kind, education-related or not, have to be meaningful, objective and fair enough to capture important metrics of what is expected. I believe in our staff and I also believe that this program will promote teacher growth and development, and will place student learning at the center of the education experience. These evaluations are also intended to recognize excellence in teachers. It is our intention to treat all staff members fairly and with respect and to encourage and reward effectiveness.
When working in Natick this new evaluation system will allow for:
- Establishing trust with teachers through a focused, fair, and transparent observation process
- The need to collaborate in professional learning communities
- The importance of involving teachers in their own professional growth.
- The link between teaching practices and gains in student achievement.
We recognize that this proposed teacher evaluation process is a tough challenge and it will need your cooperation to succeed. Please remember, the program’s primary goal is to improve educational outcomes for our students.